Friday Morning Dance
Every Friday 9-10am - be ready on the 14th to celebrate all types of LOVE. We offer ourselves to the dance. We meet ourselves as we are, so that we […]
Life-Coach Skills Meet-Up with Arlyn Alderdice
TLC Hearth 138 Grand Ave, Paonia, CO, United States11am-noon Friday February 21, and Friday March 14th. Curious about life-coaching? Come and learn a coaching tool and check-in coachy style. Each session unique. Come to one, two or three […]
Movement as Medicine with Live Music in Paonia, CO
TLC Hearth 138 Grand Ave, Paonia, CO, United StatesWith David Alderdice, Daniel Be, and Sami Akert. Join us as we dance our way home to ourselves with responsive live music! Childcare available on-site with Miss James.
Movement as Medicine for Writers as Part of Festival in Palisade, CO
Movement as Medicine: A Body-Centered Approach workshop with Arlyn Alderdice and Ben Bentele When: 3:00-4:30 PM Where: Ordinary Fellow Winery, 202 Peach Avenue, Palisade Join us as we explore what […]
Women’s Mini-Retreat with Arlyn Alderdice in Paonia, CO
Paonia Laundromat 604 2nd St, Paonia, CO, United StatesGround & Inspire Let's take some time out of time and re-center at the shifting of seasons. We’ll dance (Movement as Medicine practice), play (gently and courageously with our voices), […]
Movement as Medicine with Live Music in Paonia, CO
TLC Hearth 138 Grand Ave, Paonia, CO, United StatesWith David Alderdice, Daniel Be, and Eric Baumheier. Join us as we dance our way home to ourselves with responsive live music! Childcare available on-site with Miss James.