Dear Ones,
Here in Colorado the seasonal birds are shifting, have you seen or heard them where you are?
Our seasonal chores have shifted as well, and the sun is not yet up in the morning when it’s time to wake up for school.
This shift is happening whether or not we approve – but we can ask ourselves what shifts do we want to consciously make at this time in the cycle?
Friday, September 27th, 6pm – Poulos Park, Paonia – NFV Community and Parade Band at Mountain Harvest Festival. More info.
Saturday, September 28th, 4:30pm – Paonia Town Park Field- Mama Lingua at Mountain Harvest Festival.
Saturday, October 5th, 12:30-3:30pm – Mt. Crested Butte – Mama Lingua at Fall Festival, Ted Scheske Park.
Friday, October 11, 6-7pm – Big B’s – Mama Lingua at Ciderfest in Paonia, CO.
Saturday, October 12, 12pm – Big B’s – NFV Community and Parade Band at Ciderfest in Paonia, CO. More info.
Arlyn is offering a 4 week Money Freedom online group, begins Thursday October 24th at 2pm mtn. More details.
This course is designed to help free up emotional energy and bring awareness to our financial patterns + bring us in touch with something larger than our small egoic self in relationship to money.
Sunday, October 27th 2-5pm -Paonia- Women’s Drum and Voice: Alchemy, with Arlyn Alderdice and Meghann McCormick. An afternoon of women’s creative musical exploration. We will come into rhythm together, we will invite our full voices. We will practice deep listening, and we will PLAY. No prior experience needed. We have drums (and you’re welcome to bring your own). Please join us! Full details and location.
ongoing Somatic Movement, Fridays | 9:00 am – 10:00 am
movement practice with pre-recorded music facilitated by Arlyn Alderdice
TLC’s Hearth 138 Grand Ave, Paonia, CO – more information
Live Music Movement as Medicine returns first Sunday of the month November 2024 through April 2025. 11am-12:30p at the Hearth. Facilitated by Arlyn Alderdice.
November 3, 2024 with David Alderdice, Daniel Be, Beth Quist and Aaron Jerad. Childcare with Miss James. more info
David has 1:1 drum and music lessons as well as musical/rhythmic coaching spots available for youth and adults: 970-872-4238
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.” ~Gandalf, JRR Tolkien