Hello Dear Ones,
We hope that you are well and enjoying this special time of year.
Soon it is the longest night of the season. It’s a good time to ask –
–What are you ready to let go of?
–What are your intentions for the next cycle?
Whatever they are, we hope to see you soon.
Check out our upcoming music and movement offerings below.
Arlyn and David
–Upcoming Live Music–
Mama Lingua at the Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss – December 22, 2023
6pm Song Circle with Alien Bears, 7pm Mama Lingua
NFV Community Band Concert at the Paradise in Paonia – January 20th, 2024
A fun evening of big band swing favorites as well as some funk tunes for dancing.
Embodying Rhythm Collective with Mama Lingua at the Paradise in Paonia – March 9, 2024
We had so much fun in Cedaredge in November that we wanted to bring this collaboration to Paonia!
–Somatic Movement Upcoming —
Online. New Year, New Habits
A 5 week group with Arlyn Alderdice using life-coaching and somatic movement to help you step into your new year with presence. More info and registration.
ongoing: Fridays | 9:00 am – 10:00 am
movement practice with pre-recorded music facilitated by Arlyn Alderdice
TLC’s Hearth 138 Grand Ave, Paonia, CO – offered in the gift model
more information
Live Music Movement as Medicine – Sunday, January 7th
with responsive live music by David Alderdice, Daniel Be and Sami Akert
11am – 12:30pm at the Hearth in Paonia
Free child-care available on-site.
Sample movement and journaling practice as my gift to you.
Snowy Night by Mary Oliver
Last night, an owl
in the blue dark
tossed an indeterminate number
of carefully shaped sounds into
the world, in which,
a quarter of a mile away, I happened
to be standing.
I couldn’t tell
which one it was –
the barred or the great-horned
ship of the air –
it was that distant. But, anyway,
aren’t there moments
that are better than knowing something,
and sweeter? Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness. I suppose
if this were someone else’s story
they would have insisted on knowing
whatever is knowable – would have hurried
over the fields
to name it – the owl, I mean.
But it’s mine, this poem of the night,
and I just stood there, listening and holding out
my hands to the soft glitter
falling through the air. I love this world,
but not for its answers.
And I wish good luck to the owl,
whatever its name –
and I wish great welcome to the snow,
whatever its severe and comfortless
and beautiful meaning.